Wednesday, April 7, 2010

10 on

10 Words People Might Use to Describe Me
1. Organized (AKA anal retentive) I may or may not go through and re-organize my plastic storage boxes on a regular basis (every 2-3 months)
2. Hungry with a sweet tooth: Most of my desk drawers have food in them and if I'm wandering around my building, it's because I'm looking for something with chocolate. Thank you Alicia for always having some for me.
3. Adventurous. I heard this several times before moving to France but even now, I LIVE for adventure!
4. Friendly/Smiley. I don't know, a lot of crazy people approach me:) And I was followed for 30 minutes in France once because I smiled at someone... fun!
5. Restless. I have AADD (adult attention deficit disorder-self diagnosed via TJ) and really suck at sitting still.
6. A Student. I'm always trying to learn and asking questions.
7. Helpful. I like to lend a hand wherever I can.
8. Thrifty. I LOVE to shop and always can find a deal (please see tomorrow's post)
9. Wise. This others have told me, and I'm not sure that I agree but it could be from insight I've gained from my many life experiences, many of which were result of me being un-wise.
10. Obedient. I often have to swallow my pride but in the end I'm always glad when I obey.


Traci Tenkely said...

I am jealous of your adventurous-ness and appreciate that we can have AADD together...DUCK!

Anonymous said...

yes, I think those are terrific Hillary description words.

and I think that I have AADD too.